About Us

Hello! I'm Steve. I have been disabled and using Medical Cannabis for many years now. I have a rare condition called syringomyelia in which a cyst forms within the spinal canal. I have also had a cervical discectomy and fusion at C6/C7 in my neck. Prior to disability I worked in the security/life-safety business for 20+ years.

I was using 100mg of oxycodone/day to deal with my pain. I started the medical cannabis program and have been able to reduce my pain medicine by 80% and counting! I'm still convinced that, while cannabis does have direct pain relieving properties, its true strength is to "allow" one to NOT THINK about pain. Those of you with chronic pain will understand why/how this is so effective! The efficacy of cannabis over pharmaceuticals is just so plainly obvious!

I started this business as a way to help other Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act license holders. Growing my own cannabis has been such a fun adventure! I hope to share my passion for indoor growing with you!

Use the contact us page to set up a free phone consultation.

Happy growing,
